Just For Kids

Here is what some of our young patient's parents are saying about Dr. Ryan and HomeTown Health and Wellness:
CM - Arlington Heights said:
Dr. Ryan has been an instrumental part of our kids' health as a whole. Bedwetting issues, behavior/mood/emotional issues, and overall wellness for our 4 kids. She goes above and beyond to connect the dots as to the possible issues, as a whole. Our daughter was in therapy for some emotional issues and we spent months with very little change. But, in our first visit with Dr. Ryan, the switch flipped and it's only gotten better over the last year or so. Our kids beg to see her and love leaving the office feeling like a million bucks. If you want a more detailed account of our experience with Dr. Ryan and all the amazing changes she's been able to assist us with, I would love to answer any questions you might have. (Please contact the office for CM's contact info).
MD - Mount Prospect said:
We've had a great experience and seen amazing results in just a short time with Dr. Ryan. My son, who struggles with anxiety is doing 1000x better under her care after just 3 appointments. He's having fewer meltdowns and he's doing so much better with emotional regulation. I'm happy to share my experience in more detail. (Please contact the office for MD's contact info)
Today's kids face so many challenges. Health and wellness issues are just a few of those challenges. These issues arise often and can be physical, mental, emotional and, most often, a combination. Some of these issues include:
*Digestive Issues (Belly Pain, Constipation, Withholding bowel movements)
*ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder)
*ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)
*Anger Issues
*Body Pain (Growing Pains)
*Sports Injuries
*Eating Disorders
*Mood Swings
*Sleep Problems
Dr. Ryan sees 50+ children every week in her two offices, starting at newborn age to adult. She uses a combination of easy, painless, treatment protocols to identify health issues in her young patients, determine behavior triggers, and to treat the body to eliminate these physical, mental and emotional roadblocks. The results are amazing!
No need to wait another day to find the help your child needs to be physically well and emotionally happy. Just click the chat button in the lower right corner to talk with a staff member now, and get your child back on the health and wellness road to his/her best life.
STEP 1 - Contact the office to set up an appointment. You will receive an Email with your appointment details.
STEP 2 - Fill out the Health History Form on our Patient Portal page or click the New Patient Form link in the email you received.
STEP 3 - Come in for your scheduled First Visit. You and your child will have a Consultation with Dr. Ryan, followed by an exam and any first treatments.
No need to wait another day to help your child feel better. Click the chat button in the lower right corner, call the office (847.456.5409) or send an Email today.